Wednesday, December 23, 2009

remodeling closets

this may not be a very manly confession, but i have to admit it, i love watching the TLC network. specifically the shows like "trading spaces" where they're remodeling homes or rooms or landscaping, etc. my redemption in all of this is that i only really watch these shows in the waiting room of our family doctor's office, so it's not a regular occurrence (thankfully). but when i first walk into the crowded waiting room (usually packed with women) i'll try to position myself like these shows have no appeal to me, but it only takes a few seconds and i'm sucked into the remodeling process. it's fascinating to watch a house or room transform as they rip it apart and creatively build and decorate to give it a new fresh look or purpose.

i've been thinking about remodeling. and thinking about closets.

at first, we would define the purpose of closets as "storage". but if we're honest, we would have to admit that closets usually become a place for HIDING.

so i'm not thinking about calling in a construction crew (we rent, so it's not an option). i'm more thinking of my heart. and the hearts of men who want to be like Christ in general. we hide our junk in closets...both physically in our homes and spiritually in our hearts. and therein lies the problem for believers. especially young men who want to be fully devoted followers of Christ. does He have ALL of you? do you have closets in your life? things you're desperately trying to hide?

let me get real specific here with guys: we are in real danger if we cram sexual sin into the dark corner closets of our hearts. sexual sin is especially dangerous for christian men because:
1. our culture is saturated in sex and sexual images
2. and the Devil knows it
3. our sinful nature craves and lusts after sexual images and perversion
4. and the Devil knows it
5. we're ashamed of our sexual lusts and sin
6. and the Devil knows it
7. we are too proud and afraid to expose our dark closets to the light of Truth
8. and the Devil knows it
...and so we stuff our sin and shame away and lock the door to the closets of our hearts because we think we can somehow hide it with no consequences.

but if you're a believer with junk in your closet that you refuse to confess and deal with...then guilt will eat you alive and make you miserable OR you will sear your conscience and become calloused to the Spirit's work in your heart (that kind of living paul says belongs to your former manner of life...look @ Ephesians 4:17-24). and he makes it really clear that "sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as it proper among saints" (Eph. 5:3).

the conclusion: "walk as children of light" (Eph. 5:8 & 1 John 1:5-9). or in the case of this discussion, turn the light on in the closet...and rip the door off its hinges. don't let it be a closet! remodel it.

whatever it is that you don't want anyone to see...that's the stuff to shed light on! what's it going to take for you to allow the Holy Spirit to clean house? who do you need to talk to? (good tip: deal with sin with those it has affected) how do you plan on remodeling your life so that you don't allow yourself to stuff junk into dark closets? who's going to help you keep the closet doors open or ripped off their hinges altogether? (good tip: Romans 13:14 says, "make no provision for the flesh"...or in other words, don't give yourself an opportunity to blow it! disciplines, boundaries and accountability are good for this)

confess to Him. open it ALL up to Him. and praise God that He's in the business of remodeling and cleaning! read Psalm 51...and let God go to work! there's is such freedom in forgiveness!!

if you want further inspiration, i found "the hall closet" section of this booklet helpful: My Heart Christ's Home

can you imagine how God will use a generation of young men who walk in the who have remodeled their closets?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

allowing opportunities for sexual sin = sin

great discussion from dr. albert mohler inspired by a recent study suggesting that men are more likely to have an affair when the opportunity is available...duh! how should God-honoring men respond to this?

listen here:

all pro dads

had the chance to speak to about 20+ dads and their kids this morning at the "all pro dads" chapter @ north montgomery high school. seems like a great organization that at least is trying to raise awareness of the importance of being a dad and providing opportunities for dads to be just that...dads. once a month they bring their kids to the school early for a breakfast where they enjoy time together, talk about why their proud of their kids and are challenged with a topic of character.

i was encouraged.

being a dad is an incredible privilege and responsibility, and i'm all for organizations striving to strengthen men in that role in our society!

it was also fun to listen to dads stand up and give a reason they're proud of their kid(s). seems like a good exercise that focuses on the positive and allows their children to hear words of affirmation from their dad. good stuff!

may not be huge, but i'm impressed so far with the organization's efforts...and of course it helps that tony dungy's the leading spokesman! they've also got a daily challenge you can receive. check it all out:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

when's it official?

struggling with this question: "when does a boy become a man?"

it's a cultural question, so how does our culture answer it? is it an age? is it an event? is it measurable? provable?

unfortunately i believe it is a question that has not been asked with enough intensity or urgency. therefore our culture's silence on the issue strikes confusion into the hearts of young men across our nation.

it's time we begin screaming the question for our generation and the next. and it's time we turn to our Creator for insight.

ray ortlund post

saw a great blog post on how men show love:

Brothers Together in Christ